It's May 1st, 2012. Friday will mark our 16th wedding anniversary and for some reason this comes a shock. I don't know why it should, I have two kids who aren't getting any younger. My oldest, Rachel who will turn 12 later this year and my 8 year old son, Chris. I've gained over 40 pounds since my wedding, and every bit of it shows. Every day, my hair seems to be turning a lighter shade of gray, and Brad's hair, well, there's not much left to talk about there.
Sixteen years, not a lot of marriages last that long these days, and yet sometimes it does not seem all that long ago. I think the march of every day life: school, work, kids, school, work, kids, seems to make the time fly by and we don't take enough time to appreciate it, or each other. It is rare that Brad and I have any time alone, and yet when we do, we both like to be alone, he in his computer room fighting dragons or enemy spaceships, (depending on the latest game), and me, just wanting to lay down and have some peace and quiet, (a rare thing in our household). We do like to watch our favorite shows together, still two geeks who prefer watching something sci-fi or fantasy, (we've never been much for the mainstream). Sometimes we get a weekend to ourselves to go to a entertainment convention, but even then we have our own agenda, (I mingle with stars, he buys himself a Lego set), and we both consider we're having a good time.
I think being comfortable with what each other wants in life has helped our marriage to last. We've come to an unspoken understanding about what makes each one of us happy. Of course, every now and then we have a conflict like, when we have a party to attend, which doesn't meet with Brad's agenda of staying home. We argue, sometimes he wins, sometimes I win, and then we move on.
We've each had our medical issues, loss of pets and family members. We've had our struggles with money, workplace drama and mental meltdowns on both sides. We've survived embarrissing moments with the kids and upteen million school functions. Along the way, we've had some fun too, like the midnight opening of Toys R Us when they unveiled the new Star Wars action line a few years back. We had so much fun that night. We'll never forget the two kids talking about how Han Solo and Indiana Jones were played by the same guy, as if that were breaking news! Classic!
I hope we get another sixteen years together, being comfortable with each others oddities, (my collection obsession, his love of the couch). Happy Anniversary, honey, mind if I go out to dinner? I'll bring you home leftovers and model kit. Ah, happiness!