It is not often in this day and age that someone stays employed with the same company for over ten years. For some reason, I have been fortunate to have continued employment at the firm I work at for eleven as of yesterday.
Over these eleven years, I have seen a lot of good friends come and go. I have had to work with some terrible people, one of which, tried to ruin my life and nearly did. These past few years have been hard. Our company, like most in this horrific economy has had to cut back. I lost my assistant, I lost my paid benefits, I have not had a raise in three years, and the nice bonus checks I have had are non-existant at this point, (though I continue to hope).
It is stressful taking on the work of two or three people, but we are all in the same boat here. Right now, with all my daily grumbling aside, I consider myself fortunte that I have continued employment, and hope things will improve one day.